Latest arrangement on court business
The Judiciary announced on 4 February 2022 that in light of the latest public health situation and related developments, with effect from 7 February 2022, the seating capacity of courtrooms will be further reduced and new jury proceedings will generally be adjourned except otherwise directed by the court. These measures will be put in place in addition to the recently announced adjustments to capacity limits of court premises and reductions in the operating hours of court registries and other offices.
Court business is an essential public service which enables the effective and efficient administration of justice. The above measures seek to further enhance social distancing and limit people flow, so as to ensure that the courts can continue to carry on business as safely as circumstances permit.
This webpage provides important information on the latest arrangements on court business for reference by court users and the public. The Judiciary will closely monitor developments in view of the fast changing public health situation. Where further changes are made, information will be provided as soon as practicable.
Appropriate social distancing and crowd management measures will be maintained to ensure that the courts can continue to carry on business as safely as circumstances permit.
At present, all court users (with the exception of specified categories of exempt persons) are required to use the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile application to scan the venue QR code before they are allowed to enter Judiciary premises. All exempt persons are required to complete a prescribed record form to register their personal particulars, etc. and present relevant identification documents for verification by Judiciary personnel. Court users may check the dedicated webpage on “Use of LeaveHomeSafe Mobile App” for details.
The Judiciary will continue to post updated information, including all arrangements in relation to Judiciary business and advice to court users, at this dedicated webpage.
Stakeholders are strongly advised to also check the related webpage on precautionary measures adopted by the Judiciary against COVID-19 for updated information before attending court premises for court business.
The Judiciary would endeavor to minimize the inconvenience to court users and appreciates their understanding and patience in this regard.
- What's new
- Court proceedings
- Registries and accounts offices
- Other offices of the Judiciary
- Use of LeaveHomeSafe Mobile App
- Remote Hearings for Civil Business in Civil Courts
- Announcement on latest arrangement on court business
- Enquiry hotlines
- Archive of information disseminated during the General Adjourned Period from 29 January to 3 May 2020
- Archive of information disseminated from 4 May 2020 to 19 July 2020