Court Services & Facilities
Enquiry Hotlines
For enquiries regarding general arrangements on the court businesses, court users may call the following hotlines during office hours.
General Information: | 2869 0869 |
Court of Final Appeal: | 2123 0123 |
High Court: | 2523 2212 |
Probate: | 2840 1683 |
Competition Tribunal | 2825 0426 |
District Court: | 2845 5696 |
Family Court: | 2840 1218 |
Lands Tribunal: | 2771 3034 |
Labour Tribunal: | 2625 0020 |
Small Claims Tribunal: | 2877 4068 |
Magistrates' Courts: | 2677 8373 |
Obscene Articles Tribunal: | 3916 6302 |
Coroner’s Court: | 3916 6204 |
Bailiff Section: | 2802 7510 |
Court Language Section: | 2388 1364 |