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Advisory Committee on Complaints against Judicial Conduct
Terms of Reference
- To monitor and advise on the handling of complaints against judicial conduct;
- To identify problems in court practices/procedures which lead or might lead to complaints and recommend improvements where appropriate; and
- To make recommendations on improvements to the complaint handling mechanism.
Chairman: | The Hon Chief Justice Andrew CHEUNG, GBM Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal |
Members: | The Hon Mr Justice LAM Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal |
The Hon Mr Justice CHAN, GBM Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal |
The Hon Mr Justice POON Chief Judge of the High Court |
The Hon Madam Justice KWAN Vice President of the Court of Appeal of the High Court |
Professor LEE Chack-fan, GBM, GBS, JP | |
Dr. Christopher CHENG Wai-chee, GBS, JP | |
Ms Connie LAU Yin-hing, SBS, JP | |
Mr Patrick FUNG Pak-tung, BBS, SC |