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Press Releases & Other Information > Access to Information > Procedures for Personal Data Access or Correction Requests

Procedures for Personal Data Access or Correction Requests

The Judiciary Administration has designated the following officer to handle requests for access to or correction of personal data under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The officer's contact means are set out below:

Senior Judiciary Executive (Complaints),
Access to Information Officer,
High Court Building,
38 Queensway, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2825 0346
Fax: (852) 2530 5102

Requests for access to and correction of personal data held by the Judiciary Administration may be made by using the following application forms and addressed to the above officer:

  1. Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Personal Data Access Request (167 KB)
  2. Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Personal Data Correction Request (87 KB)

A charge reflecting the cost of producing the records requested may be levied. The current rate of black and white photocopying is $1.5 per sheet or at such rate as shall be promulgated by the Director of Accounting Services.

Note: The above does not apply to access or correction requests in respect of court records. Requests relating to court records should be referred to the relevant Registrar or the authorized officer of the relevant Court or Tribunal in accordance with the relevant Ordinance.