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Court Services & Facilities

New Forms arising from Abolition of Estate Duty

New Forms arising from Abolition of Estate Duty MS Word Form
Summary Administration
N1.1 Affirmation or Affidavit verifying the Schedule of Assets and Liabilities (Summary Administration) 30 KB
N1.2 Corrective Affirmation or Affidavit verifying the Additional Schedule of Assets and Liabilities (Before Summary Administration) 30 KB
N1.3 Corrective Affirmation or Affidavit verifying the Additional Schedule of Assets and Liabilities (After Summary Administration) 27 KB
N2.1 Affirmation or Affidavit verifying the Schedule of Assets and Liabilities (For Grant) 24 KB
N2.2 Corrective Affirmation or Affidavit verifying the Additional Schedule of Assets and Liabilities (Before Grant) 26 KB
N2.3 Corrective Affirmation or Affidavit verifying the Additional Schedule of Assets and Liabilities ( After Grant) 27 KB
Sealing of Foreign Grant
N3.1 Affirmation or Affidavit verifying the Schedule of Assets and Liabilities (Sealing of Foreign Grant) 25 KB
N3.2 Corrective Affirmation or Affidavit verifying the Additional Schedule of Assets and Liabilities (Before Sealing of Foreign Grant) 26 KB
N3.3 Corrective Affirmation or Affidavit verifying the Additional Schedule of Assets and Liabilities (After Sealing of Foreign Grant) 28 KB
N4.1 Schedule of Assets and Liabilities of the Deceased in Hong Kong as at the Date of Death 40 KB
N4.2 Additional Schedule of Assets and Liabilities of the Deceased in Hong Kong as at the Date of Death 32 KB

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