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Court Services & Facilities

General Instructions of Fillable Form, MS Word

1. Please click shaded input boxes to enter information. There are three types of input boxes, namely Drop Down List, Text Box and Check Box.

1.1 Drop Down List

This type of input box allows you to choose an option from a list.

Example 1:

This type of input box allows you to choose an option from a list

Chinese version and English version can be selected from the list.

1.2 Text Box

This type of input box allows you to enter necessary information.

Example 1:

This type of input box allows you to enter necessary information.

Alphanumeric characters can be entered into the Full Name text box.

1.3 Check Box

This type of input box allows you to check a check box.

Example 1:

This type of input box allows you to check a check box.

2. Please read our Tech Note when problem is encountered.