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Court Services & Facilities > Use of IT in Court > Digital Evidence and Exhibit Handling (DEEH)

Digital Evidence and Exhibit Handling (DEEH)

1. Introduction

DEEH enables (i) the broadcasting of digital evidence (videos or images) in a courtroom; and (ii) annotation during witness testimony.

The broadcasting function includes displaying on connected screens e-bundle pages or the physical objects on a visualiser.

DEEH also supports copying digital exhibits for legal representatives or parties during court proceedings for hearing preparation.

2. Video Guide

Duration Resolution
1. Introduction show QR code QR Code 01:31 Introduction 720p
1.1 Overview of the workflow and functions of DEEH00:00 - 01:31
2. Digital images and videos as exhibits show QR code QR Code 05:30 Digital images and videos as exhibits 720p
2.1 Broadcasting digital evidence from the parties' notebooks00:00 - 00:42
2.2 Capturing and saving digital evidence as MFI files00:43 - 03:29
2.3 Annotating MFI files during witness testimony03:30 - 03:45
2.4 Marking annotated MFI files as exhibits03:46 - 05:30
3. Making copies show QR code QR Code 00:29 Making copies 720p
3.1 Copying MFI files and exhibits by the parties00:00 - 00:29
4. Physical objects as exhibits show QR code QR Code 00:52 Physical objects as exhibits 720p
4.1 Broadcasting physical objects via a visualizer00:00 - 00:12
4.2 Capturing and saving digital evidence as MFI files00:13 - 00:24
4.3 Annotating MFI files during witness testimony00:25 - 00:32
4.4 Marking annotated MFI files as exhibits00:33 - 00:52
5. E-bundle pages as exhibits show QR code QR Code 01:22 E-bundle pages as exhibits 720p
5.1 Viewing an e-bundle page00:00 - 00:47
5.2 Capturing and saving an e-bundle page as an MFI file00:48 - 00:58
5.3 Annotating the MFI file during witness testimony00:59 - 01:04
5.4 Marking the annotated MFI files as an exhibit01:05 - 01:22